It’s a Mystery…

As our ship glided silently into Honolulu Harbor I couldn’t have imagined the surprises waiting for me…

jpport copyMy name is Jim Petersen. I’m (not necessarily in order) an Administrator Emeritus |  Diver | Ironman | Cellodad | and Friend of Jacky LaChienne

Thanks for visiting my page. I think we’re going to have fun and there will be new content quite often.

The Bob Mysteries have a definite Hawai’i aspect but are not all set here in Paradise. They draw on lots of things I’ve learned in past lives. I have a background in Crime Scene Investigation, Education, Athletics, Music, Karate, and a certain amount of sarcastic cynicism.

One of the things I believe you will enjoy is the serialized prequel to the Bob Mysteries. Warning: I’m going to be asking you to help decide how the second half goes so get ready.

I’d like to thank all of the folks who have helped and encouraged me either directly or by example. Particularly: Michigan author Aaron Stander and Hawai’i mystery writers Toby Neal and Frankie Bow. You can find links to their pages on the Expert Witnesses page.

You may also follow Me, Bob and Chrissy (and Siobhan, Horrible Hal and the rest of my friends) on Facebook!
